Posts Tagged ‘rocks’

Little guide to a big park

August 17, 2009

Today’s book is Yosemite National Park (A Golden Guide), by Douglass H. Hubbard; illustrated by Rebecca Merrilees and George Sandstrom. Under the editorship of Herbert S. Zim. Small, slim paperback published 1970 by Golden Press / Western Publishing Company.

Yosemite National Park

[A] concise, comprehensive guide to one of the most spectacular national parks in the United States. This handy guide is filled with full-color illustrations of the park’s many wonders: sheer cliffs and plunging waterfalls; splendid Sequoias and brilliant wildflowers; fishes, birds, mammals and other creatures. — from back cover.

This is one of the more uncommon titles in the popular and beloved Golden Guides series.  I have quite a few of these little books in my personal collection.  I remember some of them fondly from my childhood, such as Flowers, Butterflies and Moths, Rocks and Minerals, and Trees.  The compact size and bright colors were very appealing.  I still admire the fine quality of the illustrations, and I still refer to the texts for field identification.

In Yosemite National Park (A Golden Guide), the section on animals is especially vivid. How handy to have when you want to differentiate between the four kinds of squirrels to be found there!

For more about Yosemite, visit the National Park Service site at .

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